Project Management, Denial, and the Death Zone

Retail Price: $49.95


Lessons from Everest and Antarctica (Nominated for the PMI 2015 Cleland Project Management Award)
By Grant Avery, MBA, PMP
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 264 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60427-119-5
October 2015

LEARN & EARN: Get 6.8 PDUs in the PMI skill areas of Leadership or Strategic and Business Management Skills

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Project success rates haven’t changed in 20 years…Learn why, and what you can do to improve them in your organization

Using examples and lessons learned from the failures and achievements of Antarctic explorers Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton, and Mount Everest expedition leader John Hunt and others, this captivating guide provides powerful insights into the causes of project and program failure and how to manage them to significantly improve project success rates. This title has been recognized by the global PM community for its contribution and ingenuity. It has received the following industry honors:

  • Nomination for the prestigious PMI® David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award
  • WInner of the 2016 RiskNZ National Awards of Excellence Exemplar Award (RiskNZ is the peak sector and professional body in New Zealand bringing together those people and organisations managing risk)
  • Chosen as The Book of the Month in PMI’s inaugural, Book Club