Progressive Manufacturing e-book
Managing Uncertainty While Blazing a Trail to Success
By Soli J. Engineer
Adaptive Learning Module, 6×9, 272 pages
ISBN: 1-932159-29-0-e
February 2005
Manufacturers are continuously searching for solutions to their seemingly never-ending inventory, delivery, cost, productivity, quality, and profit woes. Progressive Manufacturing: Managing Uncertainty While Blazing a Trail to Success provides powerful, cutting-edge, common-sense solutions to these and other perennial problems faced by most organizations. The book delineates the three keystones essential to achieving any significant degree of success — people, products or services, and processes. It presents thought-provoking ideas and methods for simplifying processes at every level.
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“Unlike other books on industrial planning and control, this one contains a wealth of information on the people factor — the most important of the three elements required for success in any commercial business. This book will be useful to people at all levels of the organization in manufacturing and distribution businesses.”
– From the foreword by industry pioneer George W. Plossl
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