Value Innovation Portfolio Management
By Sheila Mello, Ronald Lasser, Wayne Mackey & Richard Tait
Hardcover, 6×9, 296 pages
ISBN: 978-1-932159-57-8
September 2006
Key Features
- Provides senior executives the means to better evaluate portfolio decisions based on the alignment of their firm’s product portfolios with the company vision and strategy, and explains why senior executive direct involvement is essential for creating successful portfolios
- Details the deficiencies of traditional financially based approaches to product portfolio management, discusses the root causes of new product disappointments and methods for eliminating them
- Reveals how companies can find and exploit white space, or unfulfilled niches in the market, by shifting their focus to customer value as a top portfolio measure
- Explodes common conceptions of customer value and how to measure it, thus enabling linkage to lean, Six Sigma, and other process improvement programs
- Includes comparative case studies and examples from companies such as BASF, DuPont, IBM, Clorox, and the Scotts Company to illustrate the merits of a customer value approach to new product portfolios
- Guides VPs, Directors and Managers to a path of simpler and more effective product portfolio management and explains how best to communicate product plans to senior executives
About the author(s)
Sheila Mello is the managing partner of Product Development Consulting, Inc, an internationally recognized firm that helps organizations optimize the process of developing products and services. She is a well-respected expert in portfolio management, product definition practices, and product development process improvements and has over two decades of executive and hands-on experience in product development, hardware engineering, software development, manufacturing, and marketing. She is the author of Customer-Centric Product Definition: The Key to Great Product Development and has taught the Center for the Management of Quality (CQM) senior executive management course.
Ron Lasser has worked at PDC since 2000 specializes in helping clients quickly recover from product development problems. He is able to increase his clients’ ability to deliver projects on time and on budget by applying his years of experience managing engineering organizations. He has a Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University and holds MS and BS degrees in mechanical engineering, also from Carnegie Mellon University. Ron is a member of Sigma Xi, a research society for learning and science, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Wayne Mackey’s expertise is grounded in more than 20 years of hands-on management of large engineering, manufacturing, and procurement organizations. His management consulting focuses on product/service development, especially in areas of collaborative design, metrics, supply chain management, and business strategy implementation. He is a senior IEEE member and a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the IEEE Engineering Management Society, the IEEE Information Theory Society, the Society of Concurrent Engineering (SOCE) and the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA). Mr. Mackey has been a Principal with Product Development Consulting, Inc. since 1997.
Richard Tait’s accomplishments are highlighted by a 22-year research, management, and consulting career with DuPont that included positions as senior research physicist for DuPont Central Research and Development, planning manager for DuPont Corp. R&D Planning, and R&D lab director for DuPont Diagnostic Imaging. He also was a founding member and innovation manager for the DuPont Center for Creativity and Innovation. Mr. Tait was a co-developer of the Institute for Inventive Thinking for the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Understanding Customer Value: The Grounded Portfolio
Chapter 2 – Understanding the Role of Innovation: The Relevant Portfolio
Chapter 3 – Vision, Mission, Strategy, and Value: The Intentional Portfolio
Chapter 4 – Aiming for the Sweet Spot: The Optimized Portfolio
Chapter 5 – Accurate Customer Value Data: The Measured Portfolio
Chapter 6 – Aligning the Organization: The Supported Portfolio
Chapter 7 – Elements of Realization: The Actionable Portfolio
Chapter 8 – Appreciating Investment Intensity: The Fortified Portfolio
Chapter 9 – Keeping the Fires Burning: The Dynamic Portfolio
Chapter 10 – A Talent for Change: The Sustainable Portfolio
Appendix A – Using Market-Driven Product Definition (MDPD) to Capture the Voice of the Customer
Appendix B – Managing Investment Intensity in the VIP
Appendix C – The Accelerated Implementation Model (AIM) for Change
“Product development and innovation management need important books like this to serve as guideposts for companies, both new and established, that want to raise the level of professionalism and success around product creation and management.”
— Robin A. Karol, Ph.D., NPDP, Chief Executive Officer, PDMA
“The approach to optimizing portfolio performance advocated in this book — focus on the customer first — has helped us streamline and prioritize our product portfolio to emphasize what’s really important.”
— Steve Sichak, Worldwide President for Preanalytical Systems, BD Diagnostics
“VIP Management will change the way you think about your product portfolio, business strategy, and approach to innovation.”
— John Friel, President and CEO, MEDRAD, Inc., a US affiliate of Schering AG
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