Pathways to Success
Case Studies for Mainstreaming Corporate Sustainability
By Suzanne Farver, ALM, JD
Softcover, 6×9, 216 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60427-171-3
August 2019
Used as a companion guide to Mainstreaming Corporate Sustainability, this case book provides specific examples of companies that have incorporated successful techniques to promote sustainability within their organization. Combined with the textbook, it provides a full curriculum for any introductory course on corporate sustainability.
Through the examples of companies from around the world, the reader will learn about best practices and helpful tools, including international standards and performance frameworks, that can be adapted to any company. These resources are described in a manner that allows the reader to successfully integrate sustainability into a company’s corporate culture. It is useful for students, faculty, and practicing sustainability professionals.
Pathways to Success will help develop an understanding of the pitfalls and challenges of this ever-changing field. It shows how to become adept at asking the right questions and speaking the language of sustainability to become a leader in this important business arena.
Key Features
- Provides questions for discussion at the end of each chapter to promote dialogue and learning
- Includes additional resources to allow the reader to delve more deeply into the subject
- Offers examples of companies who have profitably integrated environmental and social responsibility into their management systems
- Illustrates from leaders in the sustainable field the successful use of stakeholder engagement and supply chain management to respond to customer demand
- Details strategy and management systems to show how to actually integrate sustainability into a company at any stage of development, and describes various risks and pitfalls to help avoid mistakes
About the author(s)
Suzanne Farver, ALM, JD, has spent her career leading organizations toward more responsible management and has a strong track record of building consensus and emulating vision. She holds a BA in economics from Grinnell College (Phi Beta Kappa), a JD from University of Denver, and an ALM in environmental management from Harvard University Extension School (class marshal).
Her educational work includes teaching Corporate Sustainability Strategy at Harvard University Extension School, a course she helped develop in the fall of 2010. Suzanne’s nonprofit management includes serving as finance chair for the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) board during its merger with the Carbon War Room. During that time, RMI tripled in size and impact and continues now as a leading organization helping the business community drive energy savings and reduce carbon emissions worldwide.
Since 2006 Suzanne has served on the board of Presidio Graduate School (PGS), including board chair from 2015 to 2018, during a time of enormous transition for the school. Under Suzanne’s leadership, the school entered a new partnership with Amity University, a leading nonprofit international university with campuses worldwide. This new venture greatly increases the impact of the PGS mission, which includes promoting business practices that recognize the importance of social justice. PGS awards MBAs and MPAs who are focused on sustainable management principles and was mentioned in The New York Times as the best MBA program to attend if you want to change the world.
Suzanne is also the author of a companion book to this text, Mainstreaming Corporate Sustainability: Using Proven Tools to Promote Business Success.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Sustainability
Chapter 2: Making the Business Case for Sustainability
Chapter 3: Investigating the Sustainability Footprint of Patagonia
Chapter 4: Cisco Systems: Leader in Governance and Ethics
Chapter 5: Engaging Stakeholders: Levi Strauss & Co.
Chapter 6: Environmental Responsibility: Alcoa Corporation
Chapter 7: Unilever: Leader in Social Responsibility
Chapter 8: Economic Responsibility: ING Groep NV
Chapter 9: Strategy: Nestlé and Shared Value
Chapter 10: Sustainability Management and BMW
Chapter 11: Supply Chain Management and adidas Group
Chapter 12: Sustainability Metrics: Considering Materiality at Marks & Spencer
Chapter 13: Reporting on Sustainability: Novo Nordisk
Chapter 14: Sustainable Design at Jones Lang LaSalle
Chapter 15: Conclusion: Innovation and Sustainability
“If you’re interested in bringing sustainability to life in a company, Farver’s new book is a must read. It delivers real-world examples of sustainability-in-practice among leading companies, garnished with insightful references, useful tools, and thought-provoking questions that foster the understanding needed to plant sustainability deep and wide within your organization.”
—William R. Blackburn, JD, Author of The Sustainability Handbook
“This case book is an invaluable teaching complement to Suzanne Farver’s excellent textbook, Mainstreaming Corporate Sustainability. She demonstrates with exceptional clarity how to learn from exemplary companies who deploy sustainability principles across their business operations. Farver insightfully articulates the strategies, metrics, and best practices of leading corporations in achieving triple-bottom-line results across the UN SDGs.”
—Dariush Rafinejad, PhD, Provost, Presidio Graduate School, Author of Sustainable Product Innovation
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