Analysis of Structures on Elastic Foundations
By Edward Tsudik
Hardcover, 7×10, 600 pages
ISBN: 978-1-60427-074-7
October 2012
Analysis of Structures on Elastic Foundations is a practical guide for structural and geotechnical engineers as well as graduate students working in foundation engineering. Included are detailed descriptions of practical methods of analysis of various foundations including simple beams on elastic foundations as well as very complex foundations such as mat foundations supported on piles. Methods for fast and easy hand analysis in addition to methods for exact computer analysis are presented. Most of the methods are developed for three soil models: Winkler foundation, elastic half-spaces, and elastic layers. Numerous numerical examples illustrate the applications of these methods.
Key Features
- Offers simple formulae and tables for analysis of beams free-supported on Winkler foundation and elastic half-spaces as well as applications to the analysis of complex beams and many types of continuous beams
- Describes in detail the little known Method of Initial Parameters that allows analyzing various statically indeterminate systems with elements supported on Winkler foundation
- Covers a new and very simple method of combined analysis of 2D and 3D frames with individual foundations by modeling the system soil foundation with equivalent line elements and without requiring special software
- Introduces a series of new methods/algorithms such as analysis of composite beams and plates on elastic foundations, combined analysis of walls with continuous foundations, and combined analysis of walls supported on frames with continuous and individual foundations
- WAVTM features editor’s notes and corrections — available from the Web Added Value™ Download Resource Center at
About the author(s)
Edward Tsudik, Ph.D., P.E., received his M.S. Degree in Structural Engineering from the Moscow Structural Engineering Institute (VZISI) and his Ph.D. from the Moscow Engineering Institute (MADI), School of Bridges and Tunnels. Dr. Tsudik has worked as a structural engineer in various positions, mostly in the area of computer structural analysis and led a group of engineers and programmers involved in the development of structural software for practical applications. After immigrating to the United States, he worked as a structural engineer for the M.W. Kellogg Corp. and the Foster Weller Energy Corp. and started an engineering and construction company involved in the earthquake rehabilitation of old masonry buildings. Dr. Tsudik is the author of 40 publications, including two monographs, primarily on structures on elastic foundations and soil-foundation-structure interactions. He has participated in numerous international conferences devoted to the design and analysis of structures and foundations and has conducted seminars at engineering companies and at UCLA.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Soils and Soil Models
Chapter 2: Classical Analytical Methods of Analysis of Beams on Winkler Foundation
Chapter 3: Simplified Analysis of Beams and Frames on Winkler Foundation
Chapter 4: Analysis of Beams on Elastic Half-Spaces
Chapter 5: Analysis of Beams on Elastic Half-Spaces, Plain Strain Analysis
Chapter 6: Numerical Analysis of Beams Supported on Elastic Half-Spaces
Chapter 7: Simplified Analysis of Mat Foundations
Chapter 8: Numerical Analysis of Mat Foundations
Chapter 9: Analysis of Circular Plates on Elastic Foundations
Chapter 10: Special Structures on Elastic Foundations
“I recommend this book to all practicing engineers in the field of elastic foundations design. Analysis of Structures on Elastic Foundation analyzes different foundations on elastic soils and focuses on practical solutions for practicing engineers with an emphasis on simplicity and accurate results. This subject is highly theoretical and there are few books out there with straightforward solutions. It covers a variety of foundation types and conditions including special foundations. It is important to state that the problems can be solved by hand and/or by computers. I believe this book should be on the shelves of all practicing engineers dealing with the subject of elastic foundation design.”
—Robert Mayer, P.E., Structural Engineer
“Analysis of Structures on Elastic Foundations represents an excellent addition to the literature concerning structural and foundation engineering. It covers not only beams and plates but also a large variety of structures supported on elastic foundation. This book reflects the author’s long practical experience and is highly recommended for practicing engineers and scientists working in these areas.”
—Samuel Aroni, Professor Emeritus, UCLA
“This book ‘takes engineers by the hand’ and walks them through the maze of existing soil models and design methods, from simple to complex, offering a general review and a detailed analysis of each. It contains the necessary knowledge to produce successful results and features a variety of simple and accurate methods of hand and computer analyses of various structures and structural systems supported on soil.”
—Mark Bukhbinder, Ph.D., PE, Civil Engineer
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