CSCP Exam Online Test Bank Access


By Howard Forman, CSCP, CLTD, CPIM, and David Forman, CSCP, CLTD
August 2018
To extend your time or for new users that haven’t purchased a physical copy of the book!
To preview the test bank, follow this link.

Online access for 45 days


This is online access to the APICS CSCP Exam Success test bank. Purchasers of the physical book have free 45-day online access to the test bank. Here, you can extend your time or, if you have not purchased the book, you may gain access to the test bank.

This CSCP Exam test bank features over 700 practice questions including hundreds of situational questions, enabling users to perform practice tests to simulate actual exams or arrange questions by CSCP domain (Supply Chain Design, Supply Chain Planning and Execution, and Supply Chain Improvement and Best Practices). If you have already registered for the test bank as part of your book purchase, your extension will be added on automatically.

After choosing 45- or 90-day access and completing your purchase, you will immediately receive an email with how to enter the test bank so you can begin studying right away.

To preview the test bank, follow this link.