ROI of Software Process Improvement

Retail Price: $59.95


Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers
By David F. Rico
Hardcover, 6X9, 240 pages
ISBN: 978-1-932159-24-0
January 2004

SKU: 978-1-932159-24-0 Categories: , ,


An indispensable addition to your project management, software engineering or computer science bookshelf, this book illuminates and simplifies otherwise complex topics in ROI. It presents extremely simple, but powerful metrics, models, and methods for designing professional business cases and providing hard-hitting economic justification. It explores the most popular international methods, models, and standards for software process improvement. The author’s practical tutorial on the costs, benefits, and ROI of software process improvement is a soup-to-nuts guide that helps readers rapidly master powerful concepts. Rico demystifies esoteric concepts in ROI and provides a self-contained tutorial of ROI methods for novices as well as economic experts and a treasure-trove of value adding economic data which is missing from popular texts. The ROI of Software Process Improvement features a number of free downloads to help continue the learning process outside the pages of the book.

This book also features a companion product available for purchase. It is a complete 365-page ROI IDEF0 Methodology Download that can help save you hundreds of hours of development time. For more information, please click here.

Key Features

  • Establishes a foundation, framework, and standard for determining the costs and benefits of SPI and for measuring its ROI
  • Provides penetrating cost metrics, models, and methods which are usually very proprietary and helps users learn, understand, and master them
  • Includes a self-contained tutorial of ROI methods for novices as well as economic experts
  • Presents the only broad-ranging economic analysis of major international SPI methods and the first large-scale economic analysis of mandatory U.S. government standards
  • Covers quantitative analysis of international SPI methods that are only qualitatively understood and includes a treasure-trove of value-adding economic data missing from other popular texts
  • Includes over 100 tables and illustrations to facilitate learning and instruction
  • WAV Offers free downloadable detailed SPI cost models for SW-CMM®, ISO 9001:2000, and CMMI® and spreadsheets with metrics and models for costs, benefits, benefit/cost ratio, net present value, return on investment and breakeven point—available from the Web Added Value™ Download Resource Center at

About the author(s)

David F. Rico is a software process improvement consultant specializing in cost, benefit, and return-on-investment analysis. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science and an M.S.A. in Software Engineering and has been in the field of computer programming since 1983. He has been an international keynote speaker and is a well published author. Some of his noteworthy accomplishments include designing software for NASA’s $20 billion space station, spearheading SW-CMM® and ISO 9001 initiatives for Fujitsu in Tokyo, modernizing a family of U.S. Air Force static radar ranges, reengineering 36 military logistics depots in Cairo, designing a $30 billion constellation of U.S. Air Force satellites, conducting a $42 million U.S. Navy source selection, designing a $70 million cost model for U.S. Navy aircraft, and participating in over 15 SW-CMM® initiatives.

Table of Contents

      What Is ROI of SPI? 
      Why Is ROI of SPI Important? 
      How Is ROI of SPI Determined? 
      What Are Key Methods for ROI of SPI? 
      What Are Key Principles of ROI of SPI? 
      What Are Pitfalls of ROI of SPI? 
      Who Cares About ROI of SPI? 

Software Process Improvement
      What Is SPI? 
      Why Is SPI Important? 
      How Is SPI Determined? 
      What Are Key Methods for SPI? 
      What Are Key Principles of SPI? 
      What Are Pitfalls of SPI? 
      Who Cares About SPI? 

Methods for Software Process Improvement
      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Methods for Return on Investment Analysis
      Benefit/Cost Ratio 
      Return on Investment 
      Net Present Value 
      Breakeven Point 

Methods for Benefit Analysis
      Defect Density 
      Defect Removal Efficiency 
      Defect Removal Model 
      Software Effort 
      Total Life Cycle Cost 

Methods for Cost Analysis
      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Software Inspection Process ROI Methodology
      Inspection Cost Methodology 
      Inspection Benefit Methodology 
      Inspection B/CR Methodology 
      Inspection ROI% Methodology 
      Inspection NPV Methodology 
      Inspection Breakeven Point Methodology 

Personal Software Process ROI Methodology
      PSP Cost Methodology 
      PSP Benefit Methodology 
      PSP B/CR Methodology 
      PSP ROI% Methodology 
      PSP NPV Methodology 
      PSP Breakeven Point Methodology 

Team Software Process ROI Methodology 
      TSP Cost Methodology 
      TSP Benefit Methodology 
      TSP B/CR Methodology 
      TSP ROI% Methodology 
      TSP NPV Methodology 
      TSP Breakeven Point Methodology 

Software Capability Maturity Model® ROI Methodology 
      SW-CMM® Cost Methodology 
      SW-CMM® Benefit Methodology 
      SW-CMM® B/CR Methodology 
      SW-CMM® ROI% Methodology 
      SW-CMM® NPV Methodology 
      SW-CMM® Breakeven Point Methodology 

ISO 9001 ROI Methodology
      ISO 9001 Cost Methodology 
      ISO 9001 Benefit Methodology 
      ISO 9001 B/CR Methodology 
      ISO 9001 ROI% Methodology 
      ISO 9001 NPV Methodology 
      ISO 9001 Breakeven Point Methodology 

Capability Maturity Model Integration® ROI Methodology
      CMMI® Cost Methodology 
      CMMI® Benefit Methodology 
      CMMI® B/CR Methodology 
      CMMI® ROI% Methodology 
      CMMI® NPV Methodology 
      CMMI® Breakeven Point Methodology 

      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Benefit/Cost Ratio
      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Return on Investment
      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Net Present Value
      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Breakeven Point
      Software Inspection Process 
      Personal Software Process 
      Team Software Process 
      Software Capability Maturity Model® 
      ISO 9001 
      Capability Maturity Model Integration® 

Analysis of Return on Investment 
      Analysis of Costs 
      Analysis of Benefits 
      Analysis of Benefit/Cost Ratio 
      Analysis of Return on Investment 
      Analysis of Net Present Value 
      Analysis of Breakeven Point 

Optimizing Return on Investment
      Low Costs 
      High Benefits 
      Good Benefit/Cost Ratio 
      High Return on Investment 
      High Net Present Value 
      Near Breakeven Point 

Future of Software Process Improvement 
      Trainingless Methods 
      Automated Workflow Methods 
      Low-Cost Commercial Tools 
      Non-invasive Measurement 
      Expert System Workflow Tools 
      Self-Documenting Approaches 
      Boundaryless Virtual Teams 

PSP and TSP are service marks of Carnegie Mellon University

SW-CMM and CMMI are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University


From the Foreword by Dr. Roger Pressman:

“With the publication of this book, David Rico cuts through the complexity and confusion associated with the measurement of the software process and provides us with a road map for understanding its costs and benefits. At the core of Rico’s approach is an age-old business metric – return on investment (ROI) – a common-sense method for evaluating whether the costs associated with any business activity are justified based on the return (benefit) accrued as the business activity is applied over time.”